Monday, March 26, 2012

Magnolia Tilda Spring Book Card...

Hello ladies...
Wow, I cant believe, at last we have a real Spring here in Ireland, with warm weather and with lots of sun, and flowers ...:))  and Today I want to show you my spring Book - card.  For my card I've masked two stamps "Tulip Wheelbarrow" and "Tilda with Her Bunny" from Magnolia "Butterfly Dreams" collection. As always, I colored my image with copic markers.

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sugar Nellie "Simply Sassy" Celebrate Card.. and some great news...

Hi girls....
I have a new card to show you today, but first, I want to share some great news with you. 
I think, as most of you already know, "The Stamp Basket" online store had a GDT call, and of course I was participating in this call, and guess what..? I became a lucky one of five chosen guest designers... I'm so, so, sooooo happy "Hip Hip Hooray!" 

OK, back to my card, here it is... 

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Friday, March 23, 2012

Easter Card for SDC Challenge

Привет девочки..
На Special Day Cards стартовало новое 
Задание №24 - Пасха...
И вот такая пасхальная открытка получилась у меня по этому заданию.

Hi girls...:)
Today I want to show you my new card for next challenge over
Special Day Cards Challenge Blog.
For these fortnightly the Challenge is 


 Here is my card:
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Thanks for stopping by...

Monday, March 19, 2012

Tilda with Blue *Pink* Blanket..

Hi Ladies...
How are you today..?  Hope you had a wonderful St. Patrick's Weekend..:) like me.. he, he, we still have a Bank Holiday here in Ireland...
And today I want to show you my new card, with my new Tilda from Princes & Princesses Collection. This Tilda called "Tilda with Blue Blanket" mine is pink...:) 
She's so cute, isn't she...? I colored her with copic markers.

 Спасибо что зашли✿ 
Thanks for stopping by...

Friday, March 16, 2012

Personalized Birthday Card...!

Hello Ladies..
I have a new card to share with you today. I made this card for a special order for daughter of friend of mine for her Birthday.

Thanks for stopping by...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Simply Gorgeous Tilda...

Hi everyone...
Today I'll show you my new card with newest Tilda from Princes & Princesses Collection, she's so so sooo sweet.
 OMG, I can't tell you how I love this new collection:)
For my card I used the most adorable stamp for me:))) from this collection called "Tilda Princess of the Valley". I colored her with copic markers, added glitter on her dress flower and crown. 
My paper also from Magnolia.
 Спасибо что зашли✿ 
Thanks for stopping by...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New "Princess Party Tilda" SDC Challenge

Всем привет...
Как у вас дела..? У нас сегодня солнышко появилось, нарцыссы цветут, деревья цветут, ну, эти розовые, отличная погода, только холодно немного..:)
А я сегодня к вам заявилась с новой открыткой, с новой Тильдой. Так как вы наверное все уже знаете, что я очень люблю эту девочку, она мой фаворит, ну а так как Магнолия выпустила новую коллекцию
"Princes & Princesses", ну то я конечно как настоящий "крафтёр" не могла устоять чтобы не купить себе один десяток этих милашек. 
Ну вот :)) это первая из моего поплнения.
 Девочку я разрисовала копиками...
А открытку эту я сделала для очередного задания на 
и надо сделать открытку на День Рождение с использованием 
минимум 5 разных ленточек (можно кружево)

Hello ladies...
How are you, hope you are all well, and have a wonderful day...  We've a sunny day here in Ireland, wow, can't believe it...:)) daffodils are blooming, trees are blooming, well, the pink ones, great weather, just a little cold .. :)
And today I am here to show you my new DT card, which I made for 

Special Day Cards Challenge

For this fortnights challenge is... 

Birthday Card with using at least 5 different ribbons/lace on it...
For my card today I used my New
  "Princess Party" Tilda from Princes & Princesses Collection, coloured her with copic markers, added glitter on her dress and crown.

Спасибо что зашли✿ 
Thanks for stopping by...

Sunday, March 4, 2012

"On Your Special Day" In2Stamps DT Card

Hello ladies...
I have a new card to show you today. I made this card in two tone colors: white and purple. For my card I used this most adorable stamp from In2Stamps called "Ashton Bending" illustrated by Anako Art. I colored her with my copics and completed the image with glitter, for extra sparkling. 

Image: In2Stamps - "Ashton Bending"
Mediums: Memento ink, Copic markers,
Papers: Prima 6 x 6 Paper Pad - Sweet Fairy Collection
Dies: Magnolia Dies, Whiff of Joy
Flowers: from Wild Orchids
My stash: pearls, feather, lace, ribbon, Stickles Glitter Glue - Star Dust.
 Спасибо что зашли✿ 