Monday, October 12, 2015

Decorated Jar with IAR flowers...

Hello my dear friends...
I had a very bad last week here in my blog, someone hacked my blog and deleted a lot of my last posts from it, so for now I need to find my back up pictures of my projects on my computer and restore them here. Fingers crossed I still have them:( So these are my latest news:(( what happened here on my blog:((

But for now I have a new project to share with you today. I did something different than a card. I decided to decorate an old Dolmio jar for a home decoration, and here is what I end up with.

All these gorgeous flowers fromI Am Roses, they are so so beautiful, and rest of the decoration from my stash.
here are some close up looks:
Here is a list of I Am Roses flowers I used on this Jar:

Thanks for stopping by... 


Anna-Vega said...

Очень красиво получилось! А прошлые посты жалко... Надеюсь что ты найдёшь фото прошлых работ;) Наташенька, удачи и успехов тебе дорогая!

Stampsnob. said...

Gosh I didn't know that could happen , nasty thing to do for no reason .Hope you can get it reposted easily
Your project is lovely all the detail is beautiful ..............Lis

Mandy said...

Natalie your altered jar is absolutely gorgeous. So many pretty details to look at, I love it.
Omg I didn't know this could happen! So sorry this happened to you, I hope you can add your beautiful photos again

Katya- Ангел в кедах said...

Ой, блин обидно за старые посты- столько красоты! Надеюсь у тебя остались фото где то в бэк апе. Делать кому то не фиг!
Баночка шикарная- очень люблю эко стиль =)

Annettes Hobby Rosettes said...

Hello Natalie,
Could you please kindly contact me, I would like to ask you a question thanks.
Annette Steeden Stapytlon